Lash Extensions
When clients require their lashes to look full, they must always come with clean lashes free of mascara and eyeliner. Natural lashes are to be free of make-up before applying the lash extension to help the bonding process and increase retention. The cleaner the lash, the less time cleaning and more time applying lash extensions.
Eyelash Consultation - Are you unsure if lash extensions are for you? Come in and have a friendly chat about your options.
Full Set Classic: One or two artificial lashes applied to one natural lash.
- Hybrid: A mixture of classic and volume lashes.
- Volume: Either four up to eight lashes applied to one natural lash.
- Mega: Ten or more lashes are applied to one natural lash.
Infills (1, 2, & 3 week):
- Classic
- Hybrid
- Volume
- Mega
Lash Artistry - Coloured
Lash Removal
Eyelash extensions are semi-permanent fibres that are glued to your natural lashes to make them appear longer, thicker and darker. The goal of lash extensions is to give the eyes a made-up appearance without using mascara or other eye makeup.

Caring for your Lashes
Clients are required to come with clean lashes free of mascara and eyeliner.
Natural lashes must be free of make-up before applying the lash extension to help the bonding process and increase retention. The cleaner the lash, the less time cleaning and more time applying lash extensions.
Waterproof mascara is just that waterproof and can only be cleansed using oil-based products that coat the natural lash with an oily residue, decreasing retention.
Lash extensions cannot be applied if the client has applied waterproof mascara in the last 72 hours (3 days) as a chemical residue remains on the natural lash, decreasing lash retention.
Be honest about lash care: Let your technician know if you’ve been experiencing any issues with your lashes (rubbing yours, crying, pulling, itchy) or if you’ve been using any lash growth products they want to know.
Signs your extensions are applied poorly or could be better:
- You are UNABLE to brush through your extensions. When lash extensions are applied properly to one natural eyelash at a time, you should be able to glide seamlessly through your lash extensions with a mascara wand.
- The application BURNS your eyes throughout and after the process. If your eyes are constantly burning during and after the procedure, that means your lash artist has not taken the necessary safety precautions to prevent chemical fumes from coming into contact with your eyes.
- Your eyelash extensions poke and irritate your eyes. Each lash is at a different growth stage during the lash cycle. When they are stuck together, it will cause premature hair loss because our lashes are in different stages during the lash-shedding cycle. (ex. mature lash stuck to a baby lash) Lash extensions should NEVER be applied to the skin. The adhesive is not designed for contact with skin and will clog the pores, potentially leading to blepharitis/hair loss/infection/allergy etc.
- Your full set is completed within 1 hour. It is an industry standard that a true full set application time takes 1.5-2 hrs. Less time means a quick job was completed. A quick job can either mean that they did not apply an extension on every eyelash or stacked a lot of lashes on your lashes, causing them to be glued and stuck together.
- Your eyelash extensions appear heavy/fake/thick/not curly. The lash artist is using extensions that are too heavy/thick and not curly enough. Eyelash extensions are customized to each individual. They come in different lengths, curls and thicknesses. An experienced lash tech with an eye for design will be able to walk you through this and create a set that is flattering to your eye shape. When a proper set of eyelash extensions, you should not be able to feel a thing.
- You can see glue! The lash artist used too much glue. Using too much glue will cause premature hair loss due to your hair follicles being clogged and multiple hairs stuck together. Where the extensions are adhered to the natural eyelash it should be a seamless application with no sign of glue.
Be cautious of super-cheap lash services. Great lash artists use great supplies. Skilled people and quality supplies come at a cost. (People who charge very low prices may be cutting corners somewhere.)

Commonly Asked Questions
It’s the talk of the town that during certain times of the year your clients’ lashes might go through an increase in shedding, especially in the late Autumn months. This common phenomenon is known as seasonal shedding.
The exact cause of seasonal shedding is unclear, but some studies confirm that seasonal lash shedding occurs most often during the autun months, such as April and May.
Why in the Autumn? Research shows that certain things that happen during the summer months likely play a role in why and how we shed more hair and lashes in the fall.
- During summer, intense heat may trigger more lash hairs to go into the resting phase (the telogen stage), suppressing further growth and stopping the lifecycle. This means that all the “resting” lashes during summer are ready to fall out over the next month or two in autumn.
- In the summer months, when our follicle in the lash line collects more sweat, sebum, and makeup debris than other seasons, there is a higher chance that the dirt and sweat block the pores and suffocate the natural lashes. This blockage can suppress the growth of lashes in the growth phase (anagen phase), accelerating the lifecycle of the lash and resulting in severe lash fallout in autumn.
The Lash Cycle
Every hair on our body follows a natural growth cycle. The hair on our heads goes through shedding cycles, and so do our lashes. The lash cycle will continue even with eyelash extensions because they are applied to one individual eyelash. It is essential to know precisely what the lash-shedding cycle is, why it happens and how it affects lash extensions.
Each eyelash will reach a certain length, fall out, and then re-grow (Anagen, Catagen, Telogen). When a natural lash matures and falls out, a new lash has already begun growing and quickly replaces the fallen lash. A lash artist can see the baby hair visually whereas the average person won’t be able to notice this process.
The average person loses up to 20% of their natural lashes every two weeks, and new hair growth is constant. Lash cycles occur every 2-3 months. As you start seeing your lash artist regularly, you may noticeably see fewer lashes by your third or fourth fill because you are nearing the end of your lash cycle.
Our hair follicles go through “Seasonal Molting” which is seasonal shedding of hair. You may notice more hair loss in fall. With the new season comes temperature changes, and you may see your extensions shedding faster than usual.