Wrinkle Reducing Treatments

Wrinkle Reducing Treatments at Suzie Q's Salon Wangaratta

Wrinkle Reducing Treatments

  • Forehead Horizontal Lines
    These lines cross the forehead and increase when you raise your eyebrows.
  • Crows Feet
    These are lines that radiate laterally from the eye when laugh and smile.
  • Eyebrow Lift
    An eyebrow lift can be helpful when a persons eyes appear tired or sad in appearance a small hood like appearance maybe also seen.
  • Frown Lines
    Called "11's", “angry lines” are the vertical lines between the brows. Also known as the "glabellar".
  • Lip Flip
    A lip flip can stop your gums from showing when you smile.
  • Neck Bands
    Vertical neck bands result from the contraction on the neck muscles (platysma).
    Treatment results in the reduction of neck band formation and submittal fullness, resulting in a more defined neck contour.
  • Lip lines / Smokers Lines
    Perioral wrinkles extend out from the lips due to the repeated puckering motion from speaking to smoking.

Wrinkle Reducing Treatment Add On’s

  • Lower Eyelid Wrinkles
    Wrinkles under the eyes.
  • Bunny Lines
    Are wrinkles that form on either side of the nose when someone frowns, squints or smiles.
  • Marionette Lines
    Marionette lines and down turned corners of the mouth give a person’s face a look of being sad or sullen expressions.
  • Chin
    A puckered or cobblestone appearance to the chin. Treatment can smooth the chin surface and reduce the chin crease.
  • Gummy Smile
    When a person pulls their upper lip dramatically while they are smiling, which reveals a large part of their gum tissue.